Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Sometimes I complain a little too much when JR is gone.

Because I don't have him around. And that makes my heart sad.

But...then I remind myself of what I have.

We love these peeps, especially now that they have a Bean, who is amazing and smells like powder and soap and who freaks Eli out by making him think THERESANOTHERBABYINTHEOUSE:


A family who agrees that wine and coloring do, indeed, go together. Picasso? Anyone?

How do you think MK managed us at THIS age when we were doing art?

Scientific, extensive experiments to do on seahorses who claim to grow in the bathtub water. We will see what we find in the morning. If we don't show up at Satori, call the Coast Guard.

Well...I don't have these. MK has them. She got them for her birthday. But I'm thinking about investing...did I miss "Wedgie Free" becoming a legit seal of approval?

And if all else fails? Hayes sent me "Fifty Shades" books two and three. My imagination and Christian Grey will be JUST. FINE.

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