Monday, February 3, 2014


Oh, how I've missed you. How numerous the journeys and paths that have unfolded since we have spoken...and I feel ever so guilty for taking such a long break.

It's time to start writing again. To pick up the reins and resume the sharing and laughter and outpouring of emotion that I'm so certain you appreciate (and by "appreciate," I mean that you shake your head and thank your lucky heavenly stars that you've got it together and don't have chickens in your yard or currently own stock in tupperware - more to come on that).

Those of you who know me, know my incessant, stubborn, ridiculous personality. My addiction to all things challenging and quirky, my appreciation for Stevie Wonder Fridays, my undying devotion to gansta rap and my five year old. Not in that order. Ahem. So...enter Crossfit. Makes perfect sense, right? Because I needed another outlet to obsess over.

Life brings the challenges you need. It lays them at your feet and says "so, yeah, what about this?" and then it steps back. And waits. And watches. And it quickly changes its name from "challenge" to "opportunity" and this is what separates. I believe this.

I look at the priorities in my life: Faith, IV, Family, Career, Friends. In that order they fall, the cards of life, trumping each other as they lie. Without each other, they fall. So we add this in and agree that being sound of mind, sound of body, sound of soul, they all fit.

There is nothing, I mean, NOTHING in the world like the strength that comes from these pieces fitting together. Since you saw me last? Strong, my friends. So much stronger.

1 comment:

Pura Vida said...

love you precious chicken rancher and mommy of IV