Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Fit Tip #67859:

When your iPhone dies midway through your cardio sesh and the only thing on the gym TV in front of you is Guy Fieri "Diners, Driveins, and Dives" and they are featuring a pizza place in Minnesota that crafts the most amazing pizzas in a custom built copper pizza oven that maintains a temp of 550-600 degrees, and their pies festure house made fennel Italian sausage and they homemake their own kimchi because she's Korean and her mom handed down the recipe for generations and then they put it on a pizza with sesame oil and scallions and you might wonder how I remember all these useless details about food and then - WAIT FOR IT - HERE'S THE TIP - you realize that you should have RUN out of the gym and away from the food porn.

Do not watch Food Network when prepping.

Srs though. Can't remember what I did on New Years this year but can remember that the name of the pizza place was Lola's and that she sprinkles the Napa cabbage with sea salt to brine it.

The struggle is real, ya'll.

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