Monday, May 12, 2014


"No one takes issue with the provision," he preached.

"The issue always lies in the process."

And I circled it. And I underlined it. And I wrote "THAT'S. IT."


Ya'll here's the deal: life is tough. It's ups and downs and there is laughter and heart ache, there are temptations and there are now Reese's filled Chips Ahoy cookies because REALLY I NEEDED THAT ONE, and there are good choices and bad choices and sometimes we look over our shoulder and say "oh, maaaaan, I wish I hadn't just done ___________."

Ya'll, I took a picture. And a man said "what are you doing?" and I said "sending this picture to my coach as a distraction so that I don't Reese's rage on you in this grocery store aisle" and then he walked away quickly...

It all comes down to this: can you learn to trust the process?

These ideas and thoughts started to come together for me this weekend after Pastor's message and I keep travelling back to this notion of process.

Christ is process.

Life is process.

Does it matter that you grabbed those 10 minutes of quiet time before holy dogs and kids and the morning routine of packing lunches and making this disaster of a bed, ya'll I don't even know how it happens, does it even? Does it even matter?

Seriously though. When I see this, I am reminded of Priscilla Shrier and Gideon on the threshing floor and I give praise and thanks for a bed to sleep in and make, a roof over my head, and strong arms that hold me at night. That being said, I can't even explain this.


When those minutes build into ideas and string together like lights on twinkly string and they head straight toward your heart and you make different choices than you might have before?

Yes. Trust the process.

In all - in Christ, in life, in children, in fitness, in everything.

There is a lot of excuse making in this life. No time. Too busy. It's too hard. It's too heavy. That's too many. Too few.

And I just can't stand for it any longer. Begin the process. Make it happen. Lift it. It's heavy? Yes. Now do it 9 more times. It's hard to understand? Read it again. Let His words seep into you and watch when they circle back around like birds to meet you where you need Him most.

"Not that I have attained or already perfected, but I press on that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me," - Philippians 3:12

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