Monday, June 2, 2014


There is no finish line. 

We are surrounded with input that tells us there is: flat abs in 60 days. 90 days no payments. 30 pounds in 30 days.

This life is a journey, a series of opportunities and steps and they all lead to an eternal heaven and more joy than we could ever imagine.

But we have open doors every single day to experience. Feel. Believe. Grow.

Sunday afternoon, The Bull and I had a great little tabata row session and then did a run - ab mat - kettle bell swing - box jump ladder. As we kept pace, bantering back and forth about missed reps and how he was "just getting loose" on those first box jumps and that he can do 12 to my 4 (which is NOT true), I realized that this is the message I want to share.

The process IS the provision.

You can banter with your significant other while you're running and swinging a kettle bell. You can do pushups while your 6 year old rides you like a horse. You can watch Disney and have conversations about manatees and Octonauts while you're doing 45 minutes of fasted cardio in the morning. You can cook chicken and rice for your whole family and I promise that if you pair it with slices apples and PB or carrots and ranch, you do not have to cook separately for every individual.

Make it work, folks.

This is your team. Your team works together.

And you work this process, every single day, until you look up and boys are asking "is it Flex Friday?" and they turn down the Happy Meal, you plan for Rogue rigs in your garage, they slam baseballs into the outfield and you run races together and you have built a damn. fine. team.

I did Crossfit for an entire year and changed my body. And my attitude. Then I learned about nutrition and body building and my life absolutely LEAPT into the stratosphere. But it took a team. Support. LOVE. Encouragement. Patience. HELP. Because when you want to body slam someone for a Reese's, the wise man rubs your back and makes you a protein shake with additional PB2 and then cautiously hands it to you. And backs away.

Surround yourself with these people. And fly.

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